Selasa, 19 November 2013

[Y901.Ebook] Free PDF I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti

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I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti

I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti

I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti

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I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti

5 Compact Discs

  • Sales Rank: #3393652 in Books
  • Published on: 2003
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Binding: Audio CD
  • 5 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good Book, Even Better Movie
By Amazon Customer
This was a quick read, I finished it in one day. There weren't a lot of surprises for me because because I'd watched the movie (which shockingly was actually better than the novel, in this reader's humble opinion.) I think the film captured the atmosphere of the small Italian village caught in a heat wave more fully then the book, maybe it was the lack of detail on the book's part. It's brevity means that relationships and characters are a little bit underdeveloped, though the boy is still a compelling protagonist. "I'm Not Scared" has a plot that immediately draws the reader in, even more so if you haven't seen the movie. It is fast-paced, exciting, and emotionally arresting, due in part to the theme of kids in peril. If you want a quick read that instantly grabs your attention, this is the book for you. Also, as I said before, I can't recommend the movie enough, it's one of my favorite foreign films..

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I'm not scared.....
By lakota
Very different book.The setting is Italie. A very tiny poor village and the people in it and told from the perspective of a nine year old boy.His becoming of age ,in a very dark way...Grown ups that betray...Grown ups that are rude and awful.....Poverty and the rich living next to each other and having total disregard for each other.

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A boy's passion and courage
By Jon Hunt
Niccolo Ammaniti's "I'm Not Scared" is a small wonder. Told in a pulsating, dramatic fashion it is the story of a boy, Michele, who risks everything to save another boy his age, Filippo, as the circumstances surrounding Filippo change. Ammaniti's book is one where the children bear the maturity and the adults are rendered needy of care.
"Im Not Scared" is a tale of the heart. The reader roots for Michele at every turn and watches him as he battles his own fears only to turn them into a breathless triumph. The author beautifully gives a picture of the wheat fields of southern Italy and the "aliveness" of a small town that would otherwise be described as sleepy. Distances and time are presented in a desirably vague way, increasing our imagination of the bravura of Michele.
The one downside is the English translation by Jonathan Hunt. (no relation to me!) It is obviously translated into "British English" so many of the words and phrases are confusing. A better translation for Americans would have made the read a little less jumbled and more satisfying. Still, "I'm Not Scared" is a book not to be missed and can easily be a treasured read of an evening.

See all 59 customer reviews...

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[Y901.Ebook] Free PDF I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti Doc

[Y901.Ebook] Free PDF I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti Doc
[Y901.Ebook] Free PDF I'm Not Scared, by Niccolo Ammaniti Doc

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