Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

[C352.Ebook] Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan

Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan

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LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark  Morgan

LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan

LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark  Morgan

Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan

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LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark  Morgan

Through equatorial rainforests, torrid deserts and sub-Saharan war zones, LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE reveals the shocking realities of serving in the illustrious French Foreign Legion and the inevitable shortcomings of fulfilling a childhood dream. It is about striving to be the best and self-preservation, bravery coupled with ignorance, fear provoking self-confidence, promotion complementing subservience and killing or being killed. This book offers a profound insight into the carefully moulded mindset of elite soldiers in the 21st century and unabashedly divulges the very essence of war.

  • Sales Rank: #176562 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-07-14
  • Released on: 2012-07-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A good fast read
By Toe Tag
This is an interesting book written by a young man from Ireland who had enough of his domestic issues and joined the Foreign Legion. Unlike a lot of people his motivations were not ideological, economic or based on the dreaded love affair gone wrong; instead he joined for the adventure of it all.

In many respects this book is not all that different from a half dozen other books written by men who joined the Legion. He does however, make it seem, like he had a much better time in his service than many others who have served. Missing from this book are the usual remarks about how harsh life in the legion can be or how harsh the discipline is. Although, I can imagine his experience was no bowl of cherries either.

Perhaps that’s because this book is a more recent publication as compared to others. In fact that may be an indication there are changes in the way the Legion presents itself. After all today’s Legion has a web presence, Facebook page and even YouTube videos.

This was ironically one of the things I liked most about this book. That and the contemporary nature of the authors experience in Africa is actually something rather fresh in memory. It’s not been to long since some of these events were international news.

The book is quick easy read. It is completely different from the book, marching with the Devil: My five years in the French Foreign Legion, by David Mason. Although I would highly recommend reading both books to provide perspective. I would also suggest reading Fighting for the French Foreign Legion: Memoirs of a Scottish Legionnaire by Alex Lochne as well as The Making of a Legionnaire by Bill Parris.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Interesting book
By Hercule Poirot
I have never actually written a review before, but felt compelled to make a brief recommendation about this particular account of life in the FFL . I found the book very interesting and highly readable, although it could have done with some more thorough editing. I found it particularly interesting to compare the author's experience in the 2eme REP to my own experience of 4 years in the same regiment nearly half a century earlier during the Algerian war. A very credible account of life in the modern legion in my opinion, although I must admit I'm sure glad I was spared all the crap dished out by NCOs that the author experienced during his period of service. I will give it 4 stars with one star deducted for poor editing (and half jokingly for his observance of the sun rising in the west in Gabon.) I will highly recommend this book as a great read though.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Life in the modern day FFL.
By Infidel0369
Excellent book about the training and operations of the 21st century Foreign Legion. A couple of the other books I have read area bit dated. A very good read.

See all 36 customer reviews...

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[C352.Ebook] Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan Doc

[C352.Ebook] Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan Doc

[C352.Ebook] Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan Doc
[C352.Ebook] Ebook Download LEGIONNAIRE MACKENZIE Harmony in Modern Warfare, by Mark Morgan Doc

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