Senin, 02 April 2012

[T649.Ebook] Ebook Download IndoctriNation, by Colin Gunn, Joaquin Fernandez

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IndoctriNation, by Colin Gunn, Joaquin Fernandez

IndoctriNation, by Colin Gunn, Joaquin Fernandez

IndoctriNation, by Colin Gunn, Joaquin Fernandez

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IndoctriNation, by Colin Gunn, Joaquin Fernandez

Why a growing number of parents choose not to send their children to public school.

The companion book to the award-winning documentary “IndoctrinNation”, this eye-opening book includes:

- An unforgettable introduction by a father who lost his son in the Columbine school massacre — “I put him in a pagan school where they teach there is no God.”
- 12 common reasons people give not to homeschool — and the manageable reality of this educational alternative
- Revealing, firsthand accounts of Christian educators working in public schools — sharing the struggles they face in a hostile system
- The classroom anti-Christian ideologies from humanism, marxism, utopianism, educational psychology, and more confronting students in public schools today

Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child’s moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Learn the history and philosophy of public school education — and discover it is based on neither Christian nor American values. Explore the biblical principles regarding education — and who is ultimately responsible for our children’s future.

  • Sales Rank: #460334 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-08-29
  • Released on: 2012-08-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
List of Contributors:
R.C.Sproul Jr., Ken Ham, Doug Phillips, Voddie Baucham Jr., Howard Phillps, John Eidsmoe, E. Ray Moore, Kevin Swanson, Israel Wayne, Scott Brown, Mike Metarko, Sarah LaVerdiere, Richard A. Jones, Brian Rohrbough, Joaquin Fernandez, Colin Gunn, Charles LaVerdiere, Bruce Shortt, David and Kim d'Escoto, Erwin Lutzer, John Taylor Gatto, Geoff Botkin, Samuel Blumenfeld, Roger Schultz, Neal McCluskey, Karl Priest, R.C. Murray, and Robert Zie

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Tough truths revealed in this book!
By Haelie
I had a very hard time with this book.

Just being honest.

Indoctrination: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity is a companion book to the DVD by the same title. I have watched it and it is just as disturbing as the book.

Disturbing, however is not bad.

In this book and accompanying DVD, the filmmakers and editor have compiled a combination of first-hand interviews and article/book excerpts into one vast resource regarding the history and state of public education in America.

Learning more about the history of American public education was quite enlightening to me...and disturbing as well.

I am one of the many Americans who has truly no choice (due to poor past financial decisions) other than to send my child to a public school. He has been blessed with great teachers and a great education thus far, but don't think for a minute that I don't have concern for what he hears or will hear in the classrooms he attends - both from teachers and other students. Thus the reason I try my best to diligently #TeachtheTruth in our daily lives in whatever ways God allows and leads me to.

Still, the government-guided school system has my child for more total, undivided time than I do if you factor in all of the other things that go on before and after school.

IndoctriNation brings to light how deliberate my situation is.

No, I do not deliberately choose to let the God-forsaking United States government indoctrinate and mold my child into becoming the kind of humanistic (man-centered) citizen they want to create, but they do deliberately structure our education system in such as way that what I described is highly likely to happen to most children who spend 12 formative years in this government created, government led system. If you don't think that is true, I challenge you to read my review of Already Gone by Ken Ham& Britt Beemer and read that book for more detailed survey results that prove it. Maybe many of the people who work in or have children in this system don't agree with that statement, but just a few pages into the book IndoctriNation will bring to light some things that were put in place many many years ago which have us already socialized in ways we don't even realize.

Again, though, I had a very tough time with this book. Not just for reasons I have described but also because the filmmakers and editor, in their notes of introduction to the book and even a couple of the authors of book portions, conveyed a tone that I did not agree with. I understand their passion for conveying this important message, but in their words some of them seemed to forget about parents like me. They wrapped all parents of publicly educated children into this package group of being "deceived" and lazy / careless about our children's education.

One such statement stands out that I would like to rebut, if I may.

Editor Charles LaVerdiere states, "Previous generations of 'We the People' gladly handed over their children, first to the one-room schoolhouse then to the government, all for convenience."

If anyone in those previous generations was like me, I can say that not all "gladly" handed their children over and likely not so much for "convenience" as much as out of necessity. I struggle internally daily with having to be far less involved with my child's daily schooling than I would like (not even being able to be on campus at his public school as much as I would like due to work obligations). And the public school system is not so much a convenience to me as it is a necessity. Poor financial decisions of my past when I was younger and even single have affected me and continue to affect our family in a way that we are unable to afford living on one income nor can we even afford a private school (not that private schools are the perfect option either).

All that said, I stuck with the book and was very thankful I did. MANY important facts brought to light in the nearly 400 pages of this book as well as the nearly 2 hours of DVD that accompanies it. You truly should delve into this one if you have children of any age in or near "school days."

So...have I got you thinking...?

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from New Leaf Publishing Group. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.

11 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
A Book That Tells The Truth About What Is REALLY Happening In Our Nation's Schools Today
By Harold Cameron
"Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity"

"Why a growing number of parents choose not to send their children to public school.

The companion book to the award-winning documentary "IndoctrinNation", this eye-opening book includes:
* An unforgettable introduction by a father who lost his son in the Columbine school massacre -- "I put him in a pagan school where they teach there is no God."
* 12 common reasons people give not to homeschool -- and the manageable reality of this educational alternative
* Revealing, firsthand accounts of Christian educators working in public schools-- sharing the struggles they face in a hostile system
* The classroom anti-Christian ideologies from humanism, Marxism, utopianism, educational psychology, and more confronting students in public schools today.

Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child's moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Learn the history and philosophy of public school education -- and discover it is based on neither Christian nor American values. Explore the biblical principles regarding education -- and who is ultimately responsible for our children's future." (From New Leaf Publishing Group Website)

My Thoughts About the Book: Indoctrination is a shocking, provocative, tell-all book concerning the dismal state of our education system in the US today. There is no sugar coating the harsh realities of the truth in this book that our national education system is experiencing a decline. Because of various influences from outside the education system that have taken hold in our nation's schools such as Humanism, Evolution, Modern Day Psychology, Atheism, and others our nation's young people are being subjected to teaching that is contrary to what many parents and individuals believe or want their children to be taught. It is said that ignorance is bliss and well most parents are ignorant of what their children are really being taught in their schools which makes ignorance much more than makes it dangerous and even deadly. By deadly I mean what is being taught and not being taught in our schools as well as what is happening within our nation's schools to young people are causing a number of students to either kill themselves or to go to the school to shoot and kill as many people as they possibly can before they kill themselves. And this is a needless and terrible tragedy.

In the book 28 different experts in their respective fields weigh in concerning a particular issue or problem that is being experienced in our nation's schools. The book begins with some thoughts from filmmakers' Colin Gunn and Joaquin Fernandez, and then some points to consider from Editor Chuck LaVerdiere and Brian Rojrbough, a parent of one of the students murdered at Columbine in the Columbine Massacre.

Each chapter in the book begins with an appropriate and relevant Scripture verse -Scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments are referenced. And then the author addresses an issue of concern to them from their area of training, expertise, knowledge or interest.

In Chapter 1 Dr. Michael Metarko lays the foundation for the rest of the book. He takes us back to the humble beginnings of our education system in America in the state of Massachusetts in 1647 and then leads us into the present crisis where the religion of Secular Humanism forms the basis for much if not all of what is being taught in our public schools. He refers to American Education as a Trojan Horse. He concludes his revealing chapter with the challenge, "We must act now."

In Chapter 2 Attorney Bruce Shortt addresses the issue of "Drugging Them Up;" that is the drugging up of a vast number of the young people attending public schools. In his chapter he addresses the relatively modern phenomenon of labeling many of our youth, especially boys, with a disorder known as ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. And the drug du jour for the treatment of ADHD is "Poor Man's Cocaine" or Ritalin. Not good! In Chapter 3 R. C. Murray writes about "Dumbing Them Down;" or the issue of providing an education for our young people that expects little of them and teaches them little as compared to what was once taught in our public schools with the end result being that Johnny and Mary graduate being unable to effectively read and write as an adult. It's shocking what is happening in our nation's schools but it is all true...well researched, carefully documented and written about in this book.

Other issues addressed in the book includes, but is not limited to, "Discipline Discipleship" in Chapter 4, in Chapter 5 a teacher writes about how he lost his job for living out his faith in Jesus Christ and sharing it with his students (he could teach the religion of Secular Humanism and the theory of evolution but he could not teach about the name - the name of Jesus Christ); In Chapter 6 the matter of who the School Boards really exist to serve today is addressed - the state or the taxpaying citizen - take a guess which answer is correct and see if you get it right), Chapter 7 is about the monopolization of education in our country and how the federal government and Department of Education does not have "any real competitors" when it comes to the education of our young people. Chapter 8 concerns the issue of "Separation of School and State," (that God and the Christian faith are locked out of our nation's schools and anything and everything else contrary to God is welcomed in and taught as truth).

Chapter's 9 and 10 are dedicated to some history - with Chapter 9 being about the history of American education - from the earliest days of our education system to Chapter 10 being about the "Faith of America's Founding Father's." And much of what you read you will not found written in the history books our young people use to learn from today nor is it taught by the teachers.

In the remaining chapters of this must read book for every Christian and non-Christian parent even who is concerned about the quality of education their child receives the following topics are written about. In Chapter 12 - what is actually being taught from our history books versus what really happened in the history of our nation, Chapter 13 "The Deep Pagan Roots of Modern Educational Methods," In Chapter 14 Big Business and Corporate America become united with our educational system and the results are not good; Chapter 15 "When a Nation Forgets god" outlines to what degree God and his Word are being left out of the classroom as well as provides an accurate accounting of our great history as a nation and what is replacing it - what is being called truth, history and science rather than what is actually deception and theories or speculation. Chapter 16 gives us a look into the future of our education system in the US using the example of education the Great Britain as a good model...and a model or example it is but it is not a good one. Chapter 17 is about the crisis in public schools citing the story of the Columbine School shooting and other details to substantiate the claim that our education system and schools today are in serious trouble as are the students who attend them. Chapter 18 addresses the issue of who is really responsible for the education of our nation's youth - you might think it is the parent but read this chapter to learn the real truth.

In Chapters 19 through 23 what is shared with us is a different path for parents to take to ensure that our children receive the level and quality of education they not only deserve but need to be competitive in the job market and survive in the world to come. These chapters provide real doable solutions and offers hope to parents in despair over the poor quality of education and what is being taught in the schools our children are attending now. What is proposed may not be for everyone or even be possible for everyone to do; however, the best approach to ensure that our children receive a quality education is provided in these chapters.

In the final pages are 5 Appendixes the first being addressed to Teachers and Administrators, Appendix B is concerning "The Invention of Adolescence," Appendix C and D are two different resignation letters - one from a Christian who was a principal of a public school and the other a teacher as well as a letter to the parents of her students and finally Appendix E regarding "The Impossibility of Neutrality." And the author of this appendix is absolutely correct - it is impossible to be neutral. You either support public education as it is and for what it is or you don't. We are past the point of taking the middle of the road approach thinking maybe we can achieve some reasonable accommodations or compromises in what and how our children are being taught through negotiations with our school administration's and teacher's. Sadly those days are long gone. For parents, especially Christian parents it is time to take action regarding our children and young people's education. I just pray and hope each and every one of you will purchase the book and then make the right choice.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher, New Leaf Publishing Group, for reviewing it. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Well done!
By Jennifer Shearer
The information contained in the book seems to be well researched. The authors are passionate and direct. It is a must read for every Christian family. If you are planning on sending your kids to public schools, you need to read this book in order to know what you are up against. It comes from a strong Christian perspective. The book does not bash teachers, but brings to ones attention that the system that is controlled by the government has an agenda and it's not one that Christians should want their most prized possessions, their children, to be a part of. It encourages parents to teach/disciple their own children instead of putting undue trust in the government to do so. They will teach/disciple them, no doubt. But, don't be surprised at the outcome. One of the quotes in the book states, "If you send your kids to Ceasar, don't be surprised if they come back as Romans." (Voddie Baucham) Read this book and then make an educated decision as to how and where your children will be educated.

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